Children & Family Matters
We are able to advise you in respect of private law and public law children matters.
Private law matters will deal with residence, contact, prohibited steps and specific issue orders. We can assist you in negotiating contact arrangements and agreeing where a child should live. We are also able to assist in seeking the return of a child should they not be returned to your care.
Public law matters involve Social Services who may have concerns about the way in which a child is being cared for. Ultimately they may wish to place your child in Local Authority care which can be a very difficult time.
We are able to fully advise you at all stages of any dispute with Social Services from their initial involvement to Court proceedings. We can support you at any Child Protection Conference.
If the Local Authority commence Court proceedings seeking an Order for your child to be placed into care we can represent you in these proceedings and advise you throughout each step. Legal Funding will automatically be available in these circumstances.