Making a Will
Wills and Inheritance Tax Planning
If you are tempted to save a few pounds and fill in a will form from the Post Office or WH Smith – BEWARE!!
Over half the homemade wills we see are seriously defective. The efforts of some so-called ‘will writers’ are not much better. Why take the chance? Have your will made professionally – we offer a fixed price wills service; a modest price for leaving your affairs in good order.
We can advise you on a whole range of issues:-
- Wills for complicated family situations
- Residential home fees
- Disabled beneficiaries
- Appointment of executors
- Inheritance Tax planning
This is a professional service at a reasonable price – will making is a very important part of our business at Harrop White, Vallance & Dawson
Our Fees
Single will £130 plus VAT = £156
Mirror will (eg spouses or civil partners) £190 plus VAT = £228
More complicated wills and advice on IHT result in a higher charge. We will advise you at the outset if this is the case.